Soul Button - Metamorphosis
Soul Button releases his new EP Metamorphosis, transcending techno confinements and mobilising listeners for the forthcoming revolution in return. Dystopian depictions mirror societal upheaval by presenting a disorientating frenzy in the three songs striking imagery.
“Insurgence” portrays the foundations of revolution, characterised is the angst and opportunity of a greater future, a maze of sound, carrying its partakers in a wave of hope. “Dissension” shifts attention to an unforgiving tale of retaliation, manifesting among the drums and synths is a window for escape.
“Metamorphosis” unites its citizens in inner transformation, creating a collective consciousness, listeners feel ready for the journey ahead. Soul Button succeeds in liberating listeners through his spellbinding music. The dancefloor revolution will be accompanied by the three songs found on Metamorphosis.
01. Soul Button - Insurgence (Original Mix)
02. Soul Button - Dissension (Original Mix)
03. Soul Button - Metamorphosis (Original Mix)