Hi Dim, Thank you for being part of the third anniversary of the station, and for sharing your fantastic live show with our listeners (in more than 160 countries and on FM 106.0 in Ibiza and Formentera).
The truth is that it was a magical a fantastic performance.
Really , good vibes !!
We would like to know just a bit more about you
1.-IBR .- You are self-taught and play several instruments, piano, violin.... How did this vocation begin?
Dim Kelly .- Actually, I never learned academic music, and I can only play guitar. But I'm used to work with classical musicians and especially violinists because of a past project which was not all club music. also i'm really good at building strings arrangements with good sound banks and my mouse.
2.- IBR .- Many of your tracks are released on the All Day I Dream label.
Tell us, what new projects do you have in the pipeline and which ones are still to come?
Dim Kelly .-First, I have to tell that ADID and Lee are supporting my project for the beginning with passion love and a total liberty which is really appreciated, so of course he has an exclusivity with my stuff, but i have many others tracks who are not at all All day I dream calibrate, and I plan to release them on other labels. I"m just building this project for 3 years, and I was focused on theses releases with ADID. but it's just a part of the universe I want to share.
I'm also working with my 2 studio mates (Kid Creme and Stereoclip) on collaboration for 2023.
3- IBR .- What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of playing live?.
Dim Kelly .-The advantage of playing as a dj is easier to adapt the music to the public, the vibes. It take less time to make a selection of other producers and you have quite more choice, you just need an USB stick to travel.
The Advantage of playing live: your ego is feeded when people asking you who's produced this unreleased track and you know it's all yours.. that's it hahaha no ok, i'm joking a bit !!
Playing live is more about an inner travel that you can share with people, quite more intimate than a dj set

4.-IBR .- You have strong influences of hip hop, funk, classical... how do you manage to create and produce with that mix of styles and which of those do you think is the predominant one in your productions?
Dim Kelly .- I don't think there is a predominant style on my productions, the predominant is more about the emotion I want to give, about inner feelings which is not easy to do with club music .. and all of these style influences help me to give a clubby shape of these Emotions
5.-IBR : How do you think your music has evolved over the years?.
Dim Kelly .-Definitely I always had, the sensibility about how to make feel deep and strong things to people, but definitely club music is really about technicity, so I'm improving it over the years ( thanks to Kid Creme for that ) and try to put consciousness into it , because club music who doesn't sounds good, (almost) nobody will play it..
6.-IBR .- What equipment do you use to produce?.
Dim Kelly .- A good room, Genelec Speakers, a Keyboard, and my computer with logic and a good selection of plug in.
7.-IBR .- Do you have some projects with other producers? Tell us more about this.
Dim Kelly .- Yes , definitely! As I told you with Kid Creme and Stereoclip, but also with Tim Green (one of my favourite ADID producers), Facundo Mhorr (my best ADID Homie) among others.

8.-IBR .- If you had to choose a producer you haven't worked with yet, who would it be and why?
Dim Kelly .- Tim Deluxe, because of "transformation"
9.- IBR .- What motivates you and what discourages you when it comes to producing?.
Dim Kelly .- I was 18 when I started to produce, I was just encouraged because at this age, you feel like nothing is impossible.
Nothing discourages me (lol)
10.-IBR .- If you could change something in the electronic scene, what would it be and why?.
Dim Kelly .-It is what it is, and it's all good like that.. like life, like everything.. I try already to change myself everyday, so no time to think about it,. haha
11.- IBR .- Advice to the new generation?
Dim Kelly .-Enjoy, be curious, cross the border, listen to others but not too much, choose your sounds CAREFULLY!
12.- IBR .- Music you listen to for ?
Dim Kelly .- Relax : Jon Hopkins
Travel : The Bryan Jones town massacre - Anemone
At home : Silk Rhodes - Pains
13.- IBR.- How was your stay at the Nobu Hotel?
Dim Kelly .-Always great to stay there, people are really nice and caring.

Thank you very much for sharing these minutes with us and we are looking forward to listen to your new productions and share with you more moments like these.
You know you can count on us to support you.