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Johnny Tirka & Fab Galaxy come to Ibiza Bpm Radio

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We are very happy to announce that Johnny Tirka & Fab Galaxy will join the Ibiza Bpm family on the 1st Sunday of the month at 5pm with their new radio show exclusively for the station.


These two artists of Greek origin (Patras and Athens) met some time ago and decided to share their musical creativity and join forces to become a DJ duo.


The quarantine gave them the opportunity to start producing and go in search of an older, deeper and more mysterious underground sound.


Although they had already experimented with music separately, got together thanks to their passion and their enthusiasm for music and the application of creativity in it, so they finally decided to join forces to create something unique and different. They have performed in different places like Χώλ Athens, KarPassion Bar, Ανώι (Anoi) Bar, online radio shows (like light wave radio) & many more. Their energy and desire to differentiate themselves and create an identity and a distinctive style thanks to their unique sound have helped them to make their way in this competitive world.


Their favourite genres are house, deep house and tech house and they try to be inspired by them and, of course, to be as creative as possible with them.


However, although they have their "favourite" genres, they are not closed to other styles, this way they can make really new creations. Because when you really like music, you don't close yourself off.


Life is better with music!

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