The multi-instrumentalist, dj, producer and owner of the Reworck label, Pole Folder, reveals some of his secrets
1.-IBR. Tell us about your upcoming releases ?
Pole Folder.- We are currently finishing the preparation of releases on 3 different labels. Reworck, Dreaming Awake and Proton Music. For Proton, I produced a track which is the continuation of a release last year called Serengeti.
The new one has the same atmosphere and was inspired to me by this magnificent African Park. The track is called Mara. On the label Dreaming Awake we will release a track called Jaipur, which was mixed by Kid Creme last year.
It will be released with some excellent remixes from Dim Kelly and Jamie Stevens. Finally on my label Reworck it’s a single track with some 80’s synth influences which will be released end of March and called Blue Station.

2. IBR.- Before you start creating music, what is your source of inspiration?
Poler Folder :- It depends. Sometimes it’s a beat, a pattern, sometimes a sound synth, sometimes I have the melody clearly in my head. I don’t really have a recipe.
3.- IBR - In terms of productions, what is your favourite equipment, analogic or digital? Why ?
Poler Folder :- Today I work mainly in the box. It has pro and cons and but with this set up I can work everywhere I want and switch from different locations and studios without any problems. I love analog equipment still and one of my dreams is truly to produce a full project in big studio but it’s not on the table at the moment. I use mainly Ableton Live as Digital Audio Workstation, then in my usual workflow you can find Native Instruments Komplete 12, many synths from Arturia, Omnisphere, Diva, Fabfilter EQ, Izotope Neutron 3, Waves PuigTec, Waves Scheps Omnic Channel, effects from Sugar Bytes, Cableguys, …. The list is pretty long but I try to rationalise the use of my plugins as you can get quickly lost with all the models available. At the end when you start to create an optimised workflow you use always the same plugins and the list becomes more manageable.

4.- IBR - What is the difference between progressive house and melodic house ?
Pole Folder .- Good question. I guess progressive house becoming a popular genre, some years ago was easily associated with more sounds including the new trance music. You had many tracks on the shops ‘genre selection’ quite far from the initial spirit of the end 90’s. The creation of the new melodic house appellation allowed probably many producers to leave the progressive category with a new approach. For me these are just names and I always just associated the progressive music with a mental approach on top of the melodies, just like for the rock and progressive rock.

5.- IBR - We know you are a multi-instrumentalist musician, tell us what instruments do you play and which ones are your favourites and Why ?
Pole Folder .- I’m mainly behind my computer today and using keyboards to produce, from Native Instruments or Novation, but I started the music as a trumpet player. I played guitars also for many years. I love trumpet and it’s my goal to use it more on my live set up and productions. I had the chance to play again quite often 2 years ago for a tour in Argentina, Spain, Netherlands, … but it’s always complex to add more equipment when you travel both from a logistic and technical perspective. Still it’s not an abandoned project, on the contrary.
6. IBR.- What is your criteria when choosing the music is going to be released on your label (Reworck) ?
Pole Folder .- Mainly the track must talk to me. The genre/ style comes after even if it has to be connected with some kind of music approach we have with the label. But the first point will be a connection. On Reworck we also try to present new artists and it’s also a very important point on the process of the choice.
7.- IBR .- To have a successful career, how many tracks do you think an artist should release per year ?
Pole Folder .- I can’t tell you a clear answer, specially at this time where many artists are afraid to release tracks and to lose probably a lot of attention with the clubs closed and the fact that most DJs are not working. At the end I would say it’s a personal choice. The good thing is that you can release music easily today. So if you feel that the tracks is good … why to wait.
8.- IBR .- Do you think that music should be free, since we know that the artist can not live from selling music ?
Pole Folder .- Good question. And weirdly it’s a question which is mainly asked in artistic fields and music mainly. If we were living in a world of exchange and where everything is kind of free or at least not purchasable as in the concept we know …. Why not. Right now it’s true that it’s weird to by mp3s which are not physical and just files … but the vinyl remains and I know that many people are happy to buy it and to keep it as the values increase with times. All of this to tell you that I don’t have a clear answer about it. We are in a changing world but these interesting questions do not apply to music only.
9.- IBR .- If you did not play electronic music, what other style would you play ?
Pole Folder .- I love lots of genre. I had the chance to play in rock bands, symphonic orchestras, brass bands, …. But I would be really sad if I had to give up to play electronic music. It’s a real choice for me to play music on that genre.
10.IBR.- Why did you decide to live from electronic music as you had a rock band and you started as a trumpet player ?
Pole Folder .- I was going to clubs since 1990 and ,even if at the same time I was playing in rock bands, I felt directly in love with these sounds. For me electronic dance music was and is still today a brand new world full of possibilities and freedom. This vision pushes me to go to the studio every day.
11.- IBR.- What steps would you recommend to new Djs generations who are just starting out ?
Pole Folder .- Do what you want. Clearly. It’s always easy and reassuring to work with the codes and patterns in place, but I believe the new approaches and new sounds are expected on these trouble times. So go where you want to go in terms of creation. It’s the perfect time to renew all the codes today. Be trustful in your own choices and don’t look back.
It has been a pleasure chatting with you and we continue enjoying your radio show ¨Rose Noire¨ every 3rd Saturday at 01.00h on our station .
Many Thanks !