Steve Bug tells us about the framework of his new album ¨Never Ending Winding Roads
1.-IBR.- Hi Steve, your new album contemplates minimalist house music, moody techno and effervescent breaks, through 11 unique tracks. Tell us how has it been to create this album, in these controversial moments that we are living?.
Steve Bug.- I had a few track ideas from 2019 when I started writing music in the first days of the lockdown over here. And with the extra time given, I soon had 6 track ideas together that sounded like from one piece, even though they were quite different from each other. So I decided I will give it a try to come up with a few more tracks to fit these and maybe finish an album. After another few weeks, there I was. 11 track ideas, that totally made sense as an album. So I started getting into more detail. And then I arranged the tracks, and finally mixed all of them down.

2.-IBR.- Where have you found the inspiration to create it?.
Steve Bug.- I think the fact, that I didn’t have to travel and could focus 100% on writing music was a part of the inspiration. Over the past years I never had that many days in a row in the studio. It simply felt great, but now I’m at the stage where I am really missing to travel, and to play music for people.
3.- IBR.-With 11 new tracks, Never Ending Winding Roads is a meticulously produced and deeply engaging electronic album, which explores various nuances of house, techno and broken beat. How do you feel the music has evolved inside you over the years?.
Steve Bug.-That’s hard to tell, because it is something that is happening constantly and automatically. It’s like when you get older, and look in the mirror every day, you barely notice any changes. Until you see a picture of you 20 years ago, and then you are like ‘wow’. But I feel that I am more confident about the music that I finish. I don’t want to please others anymore, I just want to make music that I deeply feel. Of course I got better with many things like mixing, or choosing the right sounds for example, but again this happens naturally.

4.-IBR.- Tell us 'what has been the evolution of the Poker Flat label in these 20 years?.
Steve Bug.-The label grew with the artist roaster, and the sound evolved by that. I think there is a bigger variety of music at the moment, which I really like. But there is still that poker flat feeling to pretty much all of the tunes. To me It’s like watching a child growing up.
5.-IBR.- Since you started to produce until now there have been different styles and tendencies, do you think that those changes or evolution have been due to what?
Steve Bug.- Most people, but especially the press is always hungry for new trends on one side, artists expanding boundaries, and experimenting with sounds from other musical worlds on the other side lead automatically to this. I think it’s been a very interesting journey so far, and we will see what these times have to offer for the world of electronic music.
6.- IBR.- Your new album is impregnated with a quiet paranoia, you have said that it induces panic, why?
Steve Bug.- Did I say that? Interesting – haha. Actually I don’t think it induces panic at all, but it has its darker moments for sure, but it has bright moments as well. I think it’s a great musical journey, that leaves room to get lost in thoughts and/or daydreams, as well it is very danceable
7.-IBR.- In your album, you play with sensations, emotions, melodic cuts and heartbreaking sounds, what do you want to show us with these new sounds?.
Steve Bug.- Writing an album gives you the opportunity to experiment more, the main focus is a different one, at least for me. I love working on albums, and I truly believe albums are still important, because they tell you more about the artist behind the music.
When I am writing music, I never know where I want to go musically. Things just happen. The music I write really depends on the mood I am in, but also sometimes changes my mood, so it’s a give and take. And the final result is probably a mirror of my soul of that particular moment. Apart from that, my last solo album was released 8 years ago. Since then I have learned a lot, and i was experimenting with that knowledge.

8.- IBR.- How do you think your music, today, inspires new generations, because surely, you will have many artists who have you as a reference.
Steve Bug.- Firstly I hope that people will like this album, as I feel very connected to it. And I hope it inspires younger people to be more open minded when it comes to writing music. There are so many tracks out there that sound almost the same. But there is still so much to discover musically. Especially now that most clubs are closed, it is more important to think outside the box. Maybe after this is all over one day, music on dance floors all over the world will be a bit more diverse again.

9.-IBR.- In which track of your new album have you enjoyed the most creating it and why?
Steve Bug.- I pretty much enjoyed creating all of these tracks for different reasons, but I remember that when I had most of the elements of Hijacked Minds together, I danced around in my studio for at least an hour. One of the best moments of the first ‘soft’ lockdown in Germany for me.
10.-IBR.- We know that you are a perfectionist, at what point in your creation are you sure that you have finished?
Steve Bug.- That is the problem with being a perfectionist, you’re never finished with something. You just have to stop at one point. Haha
But with the extra time I had on this album, I got pretty close to being happy about everything. At least I can say I am very happy with the result, and I am proud that I did everything from scratch to finish by myself. And there is not much I would change even if I could.

11.-IBR.- What advice can you give to the new generation so that they do not make mistakes in their careers as producers and DJs?
Steve Bug.- My best advice is that there are no rules, be okay with making mistakes. No risk, no fun. If you always walk the safe road, you won’t be able to experiment, and grow as an artists. Just because it worked for others doesn’t mean it has to work for you as well. And another thing that is important don’t ‘rush’ your career: the longer it takes to break through, the better it is for the long run. All those successful people you see in the social media spent years of hart work to get there. Success, whatever this means to you, doesn’t come over night. Be patient.