THEIR MAJESTIES The King Felipe VI and The Queen Letizia of Spain inaugurate FITUR 2023, a key edition for consolidating the recovery of international tourism.
From today, Wednesday 18 and until next Sunday 22, a total of 8,500 participants, 131 countries and 755 exhibitors will make up the 43rd edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair at IFEMA MADRID.
Around 120,000 professionals and close to 90,000 visitors from the general public are expected to attend this edition, with Guatemala as a FITUR Partner Country.
Madrid, 18 January 2023.
The King and Queen of Spain today inaugurated the 43rd edition of FITUR, the International Tourism Trade Fair organised by IFEMA MADRID, which is being held at a key moment for consolidating the recovery of tourism activity worldwide.
H.M. King Felipe VI and H.M. Queen Letizia were received by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFEMA MADRID, José Vicente de los Mozos, and were able to greet the President of Guatemala, a FITUR Partner Country, Alejandro Eduardo Giammattei Falla. Together they toured the various pavilions of the International Tourism Trade Fair, accompanied by the President of the Congress of Deputies, Meritxell Batet; the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikasvili, and the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez -Almeida.
In 2023, FITUR will have a record exhibition area, with 8 pavilions full, as well as the direct participation of stand holders (755), which is up 32% on last year's edition and up to 50% in terms of international participation. In terms of expected attendance, and in line with the very positive response in terms of participation, a large turnout is expected, with figures in excess of 120,000 professionals, and between 80 and 90,000 visitors over the weekend.
This will also be reflected in FITUR's capacity to generate a significant economic boost for Madrid, with an estimated income of more than 400 million euros in the Region in sectors such as accommodation, transport, trade, leisure and catering.
Thus, from 18 to 22 January next, the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR, which
FITUR, organised by IFEMA MADRID and which will have Guatemala as a Partner Country, will be celebrating a strong partner country, is celebrating a powerful edition in line with the global growth of this activity in Spain and the world, and with Spain and the world, and with the support that represents, once again, the involvement of all public and private agents of the all public and private agents in the tourism industry value chain.
It will be an edition with a solid business orientation, in which sustainable development, in its economic, social and environmental economic, social and environmental axes, will be the guiding thread of the major proposals from of companies and destinations, as well as of the sections and activities of the fair, and which will put the focus on innovation and all the cutting-edge content that will mark the development of the sector.
FITUR's growth
If there is one thing that characterises this edition of FITUR, it is its vigorous growth, which has been all the parameters of the Fair, being especially relevant in terms of exhibition space, which is on par with its previous exhibition space, which equalled its best edition in record size in 2022, with 8 full pavilions, as well as the direct participation of stand holders (755), which is 32% higher than at the 32% more than last year and up to 50% in terms of international participation.

In terms of international participation, and by geographical area, there will also be significant growth compared to the previous year.
Thus, Asia Pacific stands out this year, with a 163% increase in the number of participating companies; the Middle East, by 163%; Africa, by 60%; Asia Middle East, 60%; Africa, 88%; Europe, 42%; and America, 30%. Increases that are also reflected in the international exhibition area, where the following stand out Africa, which increased its size at the fair by 146%, Asia by 78%, the Middle East by 437% and Europe by 30%.
Business participation also experienced a significant increase, with a 25% increase in the number of tourism companies with a 27% increase in the number of technology companies, which increased their exhibition area by up to 50%.
These important advances will also have a corresponding effect on FITUR's capacity to generate a significant economic injection for Madrid, with estimated revenues of more than 400 million euros in the Region in sectors such as accommodation, transport, trade, leisure and catering.

A sector in strong recovery FITUR's evolution will also set the trend as the leading tourism fair on the international circuit, awakening the best expectations for the year 2023. In this way, the fair is a faithful reflection of the data recorded by tourism at a national and global level.
According to the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), international tourism is on its way to reaching 65% of the total number of tourists in the world of pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2022.
In the case of Spain, according to data from FRONTUR and EGATUR, in the first eleven months of the year, the number of international tourists who visited our country exceeded 67 million, which represents 85% of the figures for the previous year.
Moreover, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism Trade and Tourism, more than 71.5 million international tourists will have visited Spain in 2022.
New products and 10 specialised sections FITUR continues to advance in its line of specialisation, contributing to the promotion of the different industrial sectors that impact the different industrial sectors that have an impact on tourism and which have developed an entire tourism strategy around their activity.
In addition, and in this context of sustainability, IFEMA MADRID is actively involved by measuring for the first time the carbon footprint of FITUR 2023, in scopes 1 and 2, and by formalising its commitment to reduce it at the next edition.

Guatemala, FITUR 2023 Partner Country
Guatemala will display all of its proposals at the fair with an innovative approach under the new brand "Guatemala. Amazing and unstoppable".
The Central American country's stand will be a reflection of Guatemalan culture and tradition thanks to the exhibition of typical textiles, the conch shell of time and vibrant colours.
It will also be a tribute to the heritage and biodiversity that characterise Guatemalan destinations.
The new brand that Guatemala is presenting at FITUR 2023 encompasses for the first time the tourism, economy, investment and tourism, economy, investment and culture sectors. In addition, during the design and development of the stand, the Guatemalan Tourism Institute (INGUAT) has always kept in mind that it must that it should be sustainable, just as tourism in the country is,
and representative of Guatemalan traditions, so that everyone who visits it during the fair will feel that they are in Guatemala.

Guatemala will position its main tourist attractions, destinations and riches at a global level, together with different activities destinations and riches, together with different activities programmed during the international fair, with the objective of the aim of publicising the wide range of offerings of the Central American nation, which has a great wealth of ancient a great cultural and gastronomic richness that goes back thousands of years. It will also give
Guatemalan companies to be in contact with the Spanish and European sector, with the importance opportunity to reach out to tourists.

Tourism in Guatemala is a fundamental sector, accounting for 3.8% of the GDP (year 2021) and generates 199,050 direct jobs. After a few years in which the number of foreign visitors was foreign visitors was forced down by the pandemic, thanks to INGUAT's efforts to reduce the number of foreign
INGUAT's efforts to promote tourism in Guatemala, the numbers are growing very positively.
During the first semester of 2022, Guatemala received 770,876 foreign visitors, 199% more (513,002 more) than in 2021. Thanks to the strong promotion strategy that is being managed, the projection for 2023 is 2,168,000 tourists.